Who Are We?
870 (Dreghorn) Squadron are part of a youth organisation based in the UK with 50,000 members in nearly 1000 Squadrons. We are one of six in the city of Edinburgh and have been awarded the Lee´s Trophy in 2011 & 2012 for best squadron in Scotland and Northern Ireland Region.
What Are We?
The Air Cadet Organisation is a disciplined, uniformed, youth organisation with a direct affiliation with the Royal Air Force. We have been in existence in our current form since 1941.
We recruit young men and women from the age of 12 up to the age of 17. Cadets can remain with us until their 20th birthday. We also recruit adult staff from the age of 20.
Prior to 1941 we existed as the Air Defence Cadet Corps who were founded in 1938 to provide training for young men who were intending to join the RAF. Nowadays however, we are no longer a recruiting organisation for the RAF, but they, along with almost all employers look very favourably on potential employees who have been members.
We recruit young men and women from the age of 12 up to the age of 17. Cadets can remain with us until their 20th birthday. We also recruit adult staff from the age of 20.
Prior to 1941 we existed as the Air Defence Cadet Corps who were founded in 1938 to provide training for young men who were intending to join the RAF. Nowadays however, we are no longer a recruiting organisation for the RAF, but they, along with almost all employers look very favourably on potential employees who have been members.
What Do We Do?
You name it, we probably do it! Our main activities include flying, gliding, target rifle shooting (marksmanship), rock climbing, abseiling, hill walking, navigation, communications, swimming, athletics, running, football, rugby, hockey, netball, cross country, cycling, basketball, flight simulation and aircraft recognition.
For Cadets who are eligible we also have access to courses such as leadership, micro light flying, hang gliding, parachuting, winter survival, downhill and cross country skiing, rock climbing, mountain leadership, community sports leadership and canoeing as well as flying , pilot navigation and gliding all the way to solo standard.
Every year we run week long camps at RAF stations throughout the UK and also to RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus and RAF Gibraltar on the southernmost point in Spain.
There are also numerous weekend camps throughout the UK for adventure training, accommodation varies from tents to permanent purpose built centres such as Windermere in the Lake District, Llanbedr in Wales and Galashiels in the Scottish borders.
We run a range of projects for the cadets including Modelling, Bicycles, Construction work, Robotics, Internal Combution Engines, Air Navigation, Duke of Edinburgh Awards Scheme and a monthly Squadron Newsletter under the News And Events tab.
The Squadron also likes to have social evenings, such as Ten pin bowling, Laserquest, Talent contests, Go karting, Discos and an annual dinner dance.
We enjoy inviting a range of interesting guest speakers to use up a parade evening to give us a lecture. We also enjoy taking cadets for visits outwith the Squadron, such as Air Traffic Contol Tower at Edinburgh Airport, Airport Fire Department, in which cadets usually get to ride on the various emergency vehicles out on the runway tarmac, Scotlands secret bunker in Fife, various Airshows including supplying a coach for family and friends to the annual RAF Leuchars Airshow.
We also like to get cadets out into the hills. This is enjoyable for them and it is useful for their Duke Of Edinburgh Award (DofE) project. We also love to go away camping and to enjoy the beauty of the Scottish countryside.
For Cadets who are eligible we also have access to courses such as leadership, micro light flying, hang gliding, parachuting, winter survival, downhill and cross country skiing, rock climbing, mountain leadership, community sports leadership and canoeing as well as flying , pilot navigation and gliding all the way to solo standard.
Every year we run week long camps at RAF stations throughout the UK and also to RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus and RAF Gibraltar on the southernmost point in Spain.
There are also numerous weekend camps throughout the UK for adventure training, accommodation varies from tents to permanent purpose built centres such as Windermere in the Lake District, Llanbedr in Wales and Galashiels in the Scottish borders.
We run a range of projects for the cadets including Modelling, Bicycles, Construction work, Robotics, Internal Combution Engines, Air Navigation, Duke of Edinburgh Awards Scheme and a monthly Squadron Newsletter under the News And Events tab.
The Squadron also likes to have social evenings, such as Ten pin bowling, Laserquest, Talent contests, Go karting, Discos and an annual dinner dance.
We enjoy inviting a range of interesting guest speakers to use up a parade evening to give us a lecture. We also enjoy taking cadets for visits outwith the Squadron, such as Air Traffic Contol Tower at Edinburgh Airport, Airport Fire Department, in which cadets usually get to ride on the various emergency vehicles out on the runway tarmac, Scotlands secret bunker in Fife, various Airshows including supplying a coach for family and friends to the annual RAF Leuchars Airshow.
We also like to get cadets out into the hills. This is enjoyable for them and it is useful for their Duke Of Edinburgh Award (DofE) project. We also love to go away camping and to enjoy the beauty of the Scottish countryside.
It was 870 (Dreghorn) Squadron that put the Air Cadets into the popular television show "Robot Wars". We were extremely successful with our selection of robots, but mainly with the largest one, Typhoon. The cadets involved in this project travelled to San Fransisco in the United States of America to compete after being invited to the challenge.
What's The Catch?
There isn't one. We provide the uniform, the access to the activities, most of the transport and food and accommodation. All you need to provide is yourself for a couple of hours a night twice a week, a pair of suitable boots or shoes, black socks (tights for the girls), a bit of self discipline and a willingness to come along and try something a big bit different for a change. You do have to be at least 13 years of age though
How Do I Find Out More?
The best way to find out more about us is to come along and see for yourself. Even better, bring a friend along with you to see if they would enjoy themselves.
Alternatively you could email the Squadron. Ask for details of our next open night, and come along.
Alternatively you could email the Squadron. Ask for details of our next open night, and come along.
How Do I Get There?
You can find this information under the Find Us menu tab above or click on the link.
How Much Does It All Cost?
Cadets do not begin to pay subscription fees until they have been enrolled. Once enrolled a Cadet will pay about £60 a year. This compares very favourably with other uniformed youth organisations who generally pay more than this and expect you to pay for the uniform as well!
The majority of core activities e.g. flying, gliding, shooting and sports events cost nothing to attend.
Camps at RAF stations do incur a cost for accommodation, food and travel, but where the Cadet's parent/guardian is in receipt of Income Support a proportion of this charge is refunded.
Adventure training camps also incur some costs but again these are kept to a minimum (typically less than £15).
As a general rule courses run through the Air Cadet Organisation are free in terms of travel but a small fee is required for food and accommodation.
The majority of core activities e.g. flying, gliding, shooting and sports events cost nothing to attend.
Camps at RAF stations do incur a cost for accommodation, food and travel, but where the Cadet's parent/guardian is in receipt of Income Support a proportion of this charge is refunded.
Adventure training camps also incur some costs but again these are kept to a minimum (typically less than £15).
As a general rule courses run through the Air Cadet Organisation are free in terms of travel but a small fee is required for food and accommodation.